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Science and Industry Change the Western World

Science and Industry are changed by the Western World. There have been different kinds of revolutions in history. Revolutions of subjects against all powerful kings, of colonies against mother countries, of divided peoples against foreign rulers. Here we describe other revolutions — in transportation and communication, in industry and agriculture, in man’s knowledge and ways of living. Most of these changes were made possible because scientific knowledge progressed more rapidly in the last 200 years than in all previous recorded history. Since advances in science and industry form a background for events described earlier, we carry on the story through to recent times.

The beginnings of science. It tells how pioneer scientists developed scientific methods and discovered important natural laws. The application of scientific principles led to discoveries and inventions which revolutionized ways of living in western Europe and the United States.

History tells how revolutionary changes in ways of living brought problems as well as benefits. During the 1800’s, reforms were introduced in Great Britain and the United States to bring about peaceful solutions to such problems. In countries where reforms lagged, discontented people came to believe that only violent uprisings or community ownership could bring about better living conditions. Literature and the other arts not only pictured new ways of living, but called attention to conditions which needed to be improved.

History describes scientific progress in the first half of the 1900’s and the more healthful, comfortable and interesting life which has been made possible for most people in the Western World. In our own day the extent of man’s knowledge raises questions of human survival at the same time that it promises better ways of living for all.

Progress in Ways of Living Continue Down the Centuries


It was the evening of December 17, 1903, when Bishop Wright in his home at Dayton, Ohio received the following telegram: SUCCESS. FOUR FLIGHTS THURSDAY MORNING ALL AGAINST TWENTY ONE MILE WIND. STARTED FROM LEVEL WITH ENGINE POWER ALONE. AVERAGE SPEED THROUGH AIR THIRTY-ONE MILES. LONGEST FLIGHT FIFTY NINE SECONDS. INFORM PRESS. HOME CHRISTMAS. ORVILLE WRIGHT This telegram tells simply and directly the story of the first successful motor-powered flights in an airplane. In these days, when planes make regularly scheduled flights across oceans and jet-powered planes exceed the speed of sound, we take air travel for granted. At the …

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Industrial Revolution brings New Problems and Solutions

Industrial Revolution

We remember how Rip Van Winkle, the famous character in Irving’s Sketch Book, fell asleep for 20 years. When poor old Rip stumbled back to his village, he was startled by the changes which he found. The people he talked with and the places he visited were strange. His former home was in ruins and his friends and nagging wife were dead. What was more, he discovered that a war had taken place and America was now an independent nation. If some imaginary native of Great Britain had returned to his home after slumbering from 1750 to 1850, he would …

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The Growth of Science and Invention 


“Repair this model, if you please.” These words were spoken to James Watt, an instrument maker at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, in 1764. The model showed how a steam engine worked, but what a steam engine! The original engine of which this miniature working model was a copy, was heavy and clumsy. Worse than that, it was extremely wasteful of the steam that ran it and therefore of the coal that was burned to generate the steam. Such steam engines, built by an English blacksmith named Newcomen, had been used for 40 years, but only in mines to pump …

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