Home / Western Imperialism Influences Many Parts of the World

Western Imperialism Influences Many Parts of the World

Western Imperialism. The Industrial Revolution described earlier had consequences far beyond western Europe and the United States where it made its most rapid progress. The Industrial Revolution led to bitter rivalry between industrial powers for control of sources of raw materials, markets for manufactured articles and places in which to invest profits. Here we describe this rivalry of western imperialism and its effect on several parts of the world up to the outbreak of World War II.

Contacts with the Western World took different forms in different places. European powers carved out colonies in Africa. Sometimes the scramble for colonies led nations to the brink of war. In the Far East, European powers penetrated the coastal areas of China and opened up Japan to Western trade and ideas. Unlike China, Japan quickly made far-reaching changes in its industry and armed forces. As a result, in less than a century, Japan became the foremost power in the Far East.

Further revealed is a brighter side of colonialism. British settlers brought their ideas and customs to colonies where they settled. In time such former colonies as Canada, Australia and New Zealand became self-governing. Britain also extended varying degrees of self-rule to other colonies. Out of the former British Empire grew the present Commonwealth of Nation.

Although Latin American countries retained their independence, economic life in many of them was controlled by outside nations. Indeed, until recently, most Latin American countries felt that the United States threatened their independence. Finally, Western imperialism, taking advantage of Turkey’s weakness, made gains within the Moslem world, but in the Moslem world, as elsewhere, outside control aroused national feelings and movements for independence.

Imperialism Affects the Moslem World

Slowly the train had puffed over the heights of the Lebanon Mountains. Now, at last, it was coasting down the eastern slope. Hasan Ali, an Arab trader, gazed ahead down onto the broad Syrian plains far below. Already in the growing light of early morning he could make out some of the tall minarets of the 300 mosques in Damascus. Hasan Ali had first looked on the ancient city many years before when he was a boy. He and his father had joined the great caravan which yearly wound its way from Damascus across the Arabian Desert to Mecca, the …

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The British Empire Becomes the Commonwealth of Nations

On a January evening in 1896, a famous British statesman, Joseph Chamberlain, attended a banquet in honour of an Englishman about to go to Australia as a colonial governor. Chamberlain was called upon to make an after dinner speech. What he said that wintry evening years ago explains what people at that time meant by the “British Empire” and points to the changes which he hoped would take place in the future. Here is part of what Chamberlain said: I have heard it said that we [English] never had a colonial policy, that we have simply blundered into all the …

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Contact with the West Brings Changes in Asia (the East)


In July 1858 a small fleet of American warships steamed into Tokyo Bay in Japan. The commander, Commodore Matthew C. Perry, had served during the War of 1812 and the war between the United States and Mexico (1846-1848). Perry’s voyage into Japanese waters did not mean that Japan and the United States were at war. Instead, Perry was bound on a peaceful mission, although it was expected that a show of force would help him to accomplish his purpose. For years American and European ship captains had tried to enter Japanese ports to trade and obtain supplies, but without success, …

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Europe Annexes the African Continent


In 1871 there occurred one of the strangest meetings in history. The place was Ujiji on Lake Tanganyika in the heart of Africa. The men who met were David Livingstone, a Scottish missionary who was also a doctor, and Henry M. Stanley, a newspaperman. Livingstone had come to Africa about thirty years before. Anxious to spread Christianity and civilization among the Africans, in this unknown and mysterious continent, he had undertaken long trips into the interior. For several years, however, Livingstone had not been heard from, so the New York Herald sent Stanley, a roving reporter, to look for him. …

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