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The Migration
The “Dark Age” of Greece (c. 1100 – 800) was a time of migration and settlement. Whole peoples were in
Was there a Trojan War?
Parts of the story of the Trojan War are told in two poems the Iliad (Ilium = Troy) and the
The Wooden Horse
In the tenth year of the war the Greek hero Achilles slew Hector, the Trojan, in single combat. (Paris, the
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The American Experiment 1787 – 1801
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION created a republic of thirteen states, the first large republic in history. The nation was to be
Jackson and the Common People 1812-1833
ALTHOUGH THE Federalists continued as a party for some years after their defeat in 1801, they would never again be
A House Divided 1833 – 1859
BEFORE ELI Whitney invented the cotton gin, Southern plantation owners were beginning to wonder if they should not give up
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Charlemagne’s Empire Destroyed by Eastern Hordes (800-886 A. D.)
Charlemagne’s empire destroyed and dissolved in the ninth century, but the idea of “Europe” survived. By the late tenth century,
Alfred “The Great” builds England for the English (886 A. D.)
Alfred “The Great”, alone amongst the English kings, has been awarded this title. Earlier invaders of the British Isles had
Baghdad Founded (886 – 950 A. D.)
Baghdad founded and became the centre of Islamic learning and culture. England in the tenth century As a soldier, Alfred,