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The Wooden Horse
In the tenth year of the war the Greek hero Achilles slew Hector, the Trojan, in single combat. (Paris, the
Helen of Troy
Helen “of Troy“ was in fact Helen of Sparta where she was the wife of King Menelaus. She only spent
The Palace of Minos
So much for the legend. What of the facts? At Cnossos, near Herakleion, in Crete are the ruins of an
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Europe Divided 1825 -1881
IN EUROPE and North America, nationalism generally led to the creation of larger states and the centralization of power. In
Stepping-Stones for the West, 1869
ON NOVEMBER 16, 1869, the sun rose over the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea and shone on the blue
Industry Transforms America 1865-1914
VETERANS or the Union Army, returning to their home towns in New England or the Middle Atlantic states after the
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Attila, The Scourge of God (451 A.D.)
Attila, the “Scourge of God” was the legendary force that — curiously enough — helped to hold the tottering Roman
Old Europe Crumbles (451 – 520 A.D.)
Old Europe crumbles as barbarian waves batter civilizations. Ironically, the victory on the Mauriac Plain sealed the fate both of
St. Benedict’s Rule 520 A.D.
St. Benedict’s monks tried to poison him, on one occasion it is said – and they often disregarded his instructions,