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The Growth of Civilization in Early China
In the same way that important ancient civilizations grew out of small beginnings in the valleys of the Nile, the
The Growth of Civilization in Early India
Two hundred years before Columbus discovered America, a certain Marco Polo told strange, exciting stories to his friends and neighbours
Christianity Spread in a Divided Empire
Christianity was the movement that spread Across the Roman Empire Pointing the way for the rest of the ancient world
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Father of the Factory System 1769-1807
IT TOOK the work of many inventors to bring about the changes of the Industrial Revolution, but the man recognized
The Factory System 1750-1800
THE ENGLISH regarded themselves as a free people — but they did not seem to believe in freedom for others.
Democracy and Nationalism 1815-1848
WHILE THE Industrial Revolution was transforming England and creating a new kind of society, the continent of Europe seemed to
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Japanese Renaissance (794 A.D.)
Japanese renaissance was not until 794 A.D., when the Japanese capital was transferred from Nara to Heian (modern Kyoto), that
Frankish Hordes Crush Romans (794-800 A.D.)
Frankish hordes crush the Romans at Soissons and the disintegration of Europe begins. Japan during the Heian period For some
Charlemagne Crowned (800 A.D.)
Charlemagne crowned, at a solemn moment during the celebration of Mass in Rome’s St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Day of