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Man Faces the Future 1957-1965
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union announced to an astonished world that its scientists had launched into orbit an
The Great Society 1964 – 1965
In the United States election campaign of 1964, President Johnson was the candidate of the Democratic party. His Republican opponent
“We Shall Overcome” 1954-1965
On May 17, 1954, all was quiet and solemn, as it usually is, in the chambers of the United States
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The French Revolution – Champion of Liberty 1782 – 1789
WHEN THE MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE returned to France in 1782, after taking part in the American Revolution, he was hailed
The Voice of the People 1789
The sun had broken through the clouds after a night of spring showers. Dripping leaves sparkled in the golden light,
The Fall of the Bastille 1789
On Sunday, July 12, 1789, the people of Paris learned that Necker, the popular minister, had suddenly been dismissed by
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Sung Dynasty, Golden Age of Artistic Achievement (955-982 A. D.)
The birth of Hungary The battle of the Lechfeld, which was so important to Western Europe, had an equally profound
Norsemen and Vikings (982 A. D.)
Norsemen or Vikings – Danes, Norwegians and Swedes — were terrorizing the greater part of Europe, over a thousand years
Hugh Capet (982 – 1066 A. D.)
Hugh Capet was coronated in 987 and with that, began the French dominance of Europe. During the eleventh century, a