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China and Revolution 1912 – 1962

Like Gandhi and Nehru in India, one of China’s greatest leaders, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, learned from the West as well

Independence for India 1920 – 1964

Even before the end of World War II, it was clear that Asia and Africa would soon be shaken by

The United Nations and the Nations Disunited 1943 -1949

So at last, in the Pacific as in Europe, the guns were silent; the nations that had brought so much

Early Civilizations to Modern Age

Rasputin and War 1914-1917

THE TSARINA Alexandra was a religious woman. That was why she was immediately interested in Rasputin, when he was introduced

The March Revolution 1917

IT BEGAN in the Russian capital, in the city which had been called St. Petersburg and was now called Petrograd.

The November Revolution 1917

LENIN’S REAL name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov. Like most Russian revolutionaries, he had taken another name to protect himself from

Distant Past and New Challenges

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Milestones of History


Who were the Hellenes?

Theseus and the Minotaur

The Palace of Minos

Helen of Troy

The Wooden Horse

Was there a Trojan War?

The Migration

City-States and Colonies

The Delphic Oracle

The Olympic Games


A Spartan grows Up



A Tyrant Who Was Not Tyrannical

Athenian Democracy

The Ionian Greeks


The Rivals

The Second Persian Invasion


“Wooden Walls” and Salamis


Theseus Comes Home

The Confederacy of Delos

The Athenian Empire

Herodotus, The Father of History

The Parthenon


Why Did Athens Fight Sparta

The Peloponnesian War Begins

Athenian Death

Hippocrates and Disease

Pericles Dies

Cleon the Tanner





Hecuba, Queen of Troy

Decelea, a Thorn in the Flesh

Oligarchy and Athens in Defeat

Socrates’ Death


Damocles’ Sword – The Fourth Century


Alexander of Macedon

Hellenistic Age – Alexandria and Byzantium

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