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Victory in Europe 1941 – 1945
Even before Pearl Harbour, there had been cooperation between the United States and Britain. In August of 1941, President Roosevelt
“My Name Will Stand Forever” 1933 – 1938
Adolf Hitler, stood above the German town of Berchtesgaden, in a large, imposing house in the mountains and stared out
Totalitarianism Versus Democracy
AS THE 1930’s drew to a close, only eight countries in Europe, besides Great Britain and France, were still democracies.
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The Renaissance in the North and Spain 1400 – 1598
Through the bustling market-towns of the Low Countries passed the traders, goods and gold of all Europe. Here the luxuries
England’s Elizabeth: Queen of Words and Music 1511 – 1603
In 1600, the Duke Virginio Orsini‚ nephew of the Medici ruler of Florence, arrived in England. He came to spend
The Walls Come Tumbling Down 1300-1415
IN THE MIDDLE AGES, when knights fought wars in Europe’s fields, robbers roamed the roads and the dark forests seemed
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Attila, The Scourge of God (451 A.D.)
Attila, the “Scourge of God” was the legendary force that — curiously enough — helped to hold the tottering Roman
Old Europe Crumbles (451 – 520 A.D.)
Old Europe crumbles as barbarian waves batter civilizations. Ironically, the victory on the Mauriac Plain sealed the fate both of
St. Benedict’s Rule 520 A.D.
St. Benedict’s monks tried to poison him, on one occasion it is said – and they often disregarded his instructions,