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A Changing Nation 1934 – 1936
IN THE spring of 1933, as the New Deal roared into action, business began to get better, but it dropped
The New Deal 1933
WHEN Franklin Delano Roosevelt was nominated in 1932, he was fifty years old. A fifth cousin of former President Theodore
Panic in Wall Street 1929-1932
AS MILLIONS of Americans hurried to work on the morning of October 24, 1929, it seemed like the start of
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The Ming Dynasty Restores the Old Order A.D. 1368-1644
THE MEN who took over from the Mongols came to be known as Hung-wu, or “Vast Military Power.” Hung-wu named
Japan, the “Source of the Sun” 3000 B.C.-A.D. 400
THE Japanese islands — four large ones and many smaller ones — rise out of the Pacific Ocean to the
Becoming a Nation 660 B. C.-A. D. 587
DRAWING ON nature for inspiration, the Japanese invented a number of gods and goddesses. They took it for granted that
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
The Roman Republic is Reborn with Imperial Splendour (73 – 31 B.C.)
The happy judgment of the historian Polybius on the strength of the Roman constitution, because of its mixture of popular,
The Emperor Augustus (B.C. 31)
The assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. initiated thirteen years of bloodshed, during which the people who had plotted
Octavian and the New Roman Empire (B.C. 31 – 9 A.D.)
Octavian delivers the state from that was plunged into depression. A few weeks after January 1 in the year 29 B.C. the