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The Election of 1936
As Roosevelt’s first term in office neared its end, many people in the United States — and in other countries
A Changing Nation 1934 – 1936
IN THE spring of 1933, as the New Deal roared into action, business began to get better, but it dropped
The New Deal 1933
WHEN Franklin Delano Roosevelt was nominated in 1932, he was fifty years old. A fifth cousin of former President Theodore
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Defender of the Faith 1521 – 1603
OF ALL THE RULERS OF EUROPE, none was more eager to please the pope, more anxious to prove himself a
Prince Henry’s School 1415 – 1499
IN 1415, WHEN ALL OF CHRISTENDOM belonged to one church and Christians battled pagan Turks instead of one another, a
A New World and a New Sea 1492-1522
ALONG THE DUSTY SPANISH road leading north from Granada plodded a mule. On its back, bouncing and cursing his luck,
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
William of Normandy, the Conqueror (1066 A. D.)
William of Normandy, the conqueror, was also descended from English kings and was convinced that King Edward had promised him
Pope Leo IX (1066 – 1077)
Galilee Chapel in Durham Cathedral. Durham was the greatest of the Norman ecclesiastical border fortress in the north of England.
Henry IV, Humiliation at Canossa (1077 A. D.)
Henry IV stood barefoot in the snow, for three days in January, 1077, outside Canossa castle, waiting to see Pope