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Fire in the Reichstag 1923 – 1933
DURING THE years that followed Hitler’s adventure in the Munich beer hall, ministers came and went in the German government.
“My Struggle”
When Hitler was discharged by the army in 1918, he found an altogether different Germany from the one he had
Revolution in a Beer Hall 1923 – 1924
ON NOVEMBER 8, 1923, about three thousand men were sitting at the tables of a large beer hall on the
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Democracy in Latin America 1811-1823
DURING THE years when Napoleon and Spain were at war, Spain’s American colonies began their long fight to win independence
Nationalism and the Germans 1848-1870
DESPITE THE development of democracy in some parts of the world, several of the most important nations established in the
The Unification of Italy 1831-1870
ITALY HAD long been divided into small states. All their governments, except that of the Kingdom of Sardinia, were unpopular
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Assyria, Steppelands of Central Asia Sees New People Emerge and New Empires Rise (1191 – 524 B.C.)
The vacuum left in Western Asia by the passage of the Sea Peoples was soon filled. New peoples infiltrated into
Buddha, the Prophet of the East (524 B.C.)
The Buddha as he came to be known, was a young man, Gautama, who followed the usual pursuits of someone
The Collapse of Crete (524 – 480 B.C.)
With the collapse of Crete, the Mediterranean focus moves to Greece. The destruction of Knossos in 1450 B.C. precipitated the