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The November Revolution 1917
LENIN’S REAL name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov. Like most Russian revolutionaries, he had taken another name to protect himself from
The March Revolution 1917
IT BEGAN in the Russian capital, in the city which had been called St. Petersburg and was now called Petrograd.
Rasputin and War 1914-1917
THE TSARINA Alexandra was a religious woman. That was why she was immediately interested in Rasputin, when he was introduced
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The Sui and T’ang Restore the Empire A.D. 589-979
IN 589, a warlord named Sui Wen Ti conquered the last dynasty in the south and so became emperor of
The Sung Dynasty: Barbarians Threaten the Empire A. D. 960 – 1279
DURING THE turbulent Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms era, the main outside threat to China came, as usual, from the
The Coming of the Mongols A.D.1135-1368
IN 1135, Hangchow became the capital of the Southern Sung. Thereafter, the Sung kept an uneasy peace with their unwelcome
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Attila, The Scourge of God (451 A.D.)
Attila, the “Scourge of God” was the legendary force that — curiously enough — helped to hold the tottering Roman
Old Europe Crumbles (451 – 520 A.D.)
Old Europe crumbles as barbarian waves batter civilizations. Ironically, the victory on the Mauriac Plain sealed the fate both of
St. Benedict’s Rule 520 A.D.
St. Benedict’s monks tried to poison him, on one occasion it is said – and they often disregarded his instructions,