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The November Revolution 1917
LENIN’S REAL name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov. Like most Russian revolutionaries, he had taken another name to protect himself from
The March Revolution 1917
IT BEGAN in the Russian capital, in the city which had been called St. Petersburg and was now called Petrograd.
Rasputin and War 1914-1917
THE TSARINA Alexandra was a religious woman. That was why she was immediately interested in Rasputin, when he was introduced
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
France Becomes a Great Nation 1453-1631
WHEN MORE than a century of war between England and France ended in 1453, it was the French king, Charles
The Thirty Years War 1618 – 1625
EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN I of the Holy Roman Empire walked up to a wild lion and pulled out its tongue; his
The War Spreads 1625 -1648
THE BLOOD-LETTING in Germany aroused new ambitions in many of the kings of Europe. In Denmark and Sweden, the strong
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Sung Dynasty, Golden Age of Artistic Achievement (955-982 A. D.)
The birth of Hungary The battle of the Lechfeld, which was so important to Western Europe, had an equally profound
Norsemen and Vikings (982 A. D.)
Norsemen or Vikings – Danes, Norwegians and Swedes — were terrorizing the greater part of Europe, over a thousand years
Hugh Capet (982 – 1066 A. D.)
Hugh Capet was coronated in 987 and with that, began the French dominance of Europe. During the eleventh century, a