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Parceling Out a Continent 1841-1910
Africa, the second largest continent in the world, extends south from the Mediterranean Sea four thousand miles. Along its north
Japan Meets the West 1853-1905
The date was July 8, 1853; the place, Yedo, a sprawling collection of wooden houses overlooking an arm of the
The Powers Carve Up China 1841 – 1914
China, that immense portion of East Asia bounded by the chilly Amur River and the hot jungles of Indo-China, by
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Adventures in the New World 1519 – 1620
“I DID NOT come to till the soil like a peasant,” said Hernando Cortez. “I came to find gold.” His
England under the Tudors 1485-1603
IN AUGUST of 1485, Henry Tudor landed on the Welsh coast to fight King Richard III for the crown of
Ferdinand and Isabella Unite Spain 1469-1700
IT WAS Wednesday, October 18, 1469 and Princess Isabella of Castile and Prince Ferdinand of Aragon were being married. At
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Hammurabi – The First Law Code (1750 B. C.)
As the political state evolved, the problem of its administration evolved too. The territory ruled over by Hammurabi of Babylon
Hittites – A New Power Arises (1750 – 1450 B.C.)
Hittites, a new power, arises in the Near East and Babylon is eclipsed. The Babylonian kings who followed Hammurabi were
The Eruption of Santorin – (B.C. 1450)
By 2000 B.C. Crete, and its out post the island of Santorin, was the home of a remarkable, flourishing civilization. Known