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The Factory System 1750-1800
THE ENGLISH regarded themselves as a free people — but they did not seem to believe in freedom for others.
Father of the Factory System 1769-1807
IT TOOK the work of many inventors to bring about the changes of the Industrial Revolution, but the man recognized
Men against Machines 1733 – 1812
FEAR HUNG over the Yorkshire countryside in northern England. It was the spring of 1812, a spring the people would
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The Renaissance in the North and Spain 1400 – 1598
Through the bustling market-towns of the Low Countries passed the traders, goods and gold of all Europe. Here the luxuries
England’s Elizabeth: Queen of Words and Music 1511 – 1603
In 1600, the Duke Virginio Orsini‚ nephew of the Medici ruler of Florence, arrived in England. He came to spend
The Walls Come Tumbling Down 1300-1415
IN THE MIDDLE AGES, when knights fought wars in Europe’s fields, robbers roamed the roads and the dark forests seemed
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Charlemagne’s Empire Destroyed by Eastern Hordes (800-886 A. D.)
Charlemagne’s empire destroyed and dissolved in the ninth century, but the idea of “Europe” survived. By the late tenth century,
Alfred “The Great” builds England for the English (886 A. D.)
Alfred “The Great”, alone amongst the English kings, has been awarded this title. Earlier invaders of the British Isles had
Baghdad Founded (886 – 950 A. D.)
Baghdad founded and became the centre of Islamic learning and culture. England in the tenth century As a soldier, Alfred,