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Democracy and Nationalism 1815-1848
WHILE THE Industrial Revolution was transforming England and creating a new kind of society, the continent of Europe seemed to
The Factory System 1750-1800
THE ENGLISH regarded themselves as a free people — but they did not seem to believe in freedom for others.
Father of the Factory System 1769-1807
IT TOOK the work of many inventors to bring about the changes of the Industrial Revolution, but the man recognized
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The Silent Peninsula 3000 B.C. to 1600 B.C.
About 3000 B. C., when the Pharaohs ruled Egypt and Babylon was the home of mighty kings, bands of sailors
The Power of Minos 2200 B.C. to 1400 B.C.
Far to the south of the Greek Peninsula lay the large island of Crete. It was the home of a
Companions of the King 1500 B.C. – 1000 B.C.
Across the plains of Peloponnesus, flashed the swift chariots of knights and warrior-princes. They wore armour of gleaming bronze and
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Sung Dynasty, Golden Age of Artistic Achievement (955-982 A. D.)
The birth of Hungary The battle of the Lechfeld, which was so important to Western Europe, had an equally profound
Norsemen and Vikings (982 A. D.)
Norsemen or Vikings – Danes, Norwegians and Swedes — were terrorizing the greater part of Europe, over a thousand years
Hugh Capet (982 – 1066 A. D.)
Hugh Capet was coronated in 987 and with that, began the French dominance of Europe. During the eleventh century, a