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The Italian Kings of France 1494 – 1590

In all Europe there was no greater admirer of Italy than Francis I, king of France. Francis practiced Italian manners

Venice, City in the Sea 1350 – 1590

The houses of Venice are “like sea-birds half on sea and half on land,” said Cassiodorus. An officer of a

Rome, the City of the Pope 1492-1564

In 1492, young Giovanni de’ Medici bade farewell to his father, Lorenzo the Magnificent and left Florence to take his

Early Civilizations to Modern Age

The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte 1796-1802

In March of 1796, a new commander named Napoleon Bonaparte was placed in charge of the French army on the

Emperor of the French 1804 -1815

On December 2, 1804, in a ceremony of great pomp and splendour at the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris,

Men against Machines 1733 – 1812

FEAR HUNG over the Yorkshire countryside in northern England. It was the spring of 1812, a spring the people would

Distant Past and New Challenges

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Milestones of History


Who were the Hellenes?

Theseus and the Minotaur

The Palace of Minos

Helen of Troy

The Wooden Horse

Was there a Trojan War?

The Migration

City-States and Colonies

The Delphic Oracle

The Olympic Games


A Spartan grows Up



A Tyrant Who Was Not Tyrannical

Athenian Democracy

The Ionian Greeks


The Rivals

The Second Persian Invasion


“Wooden Walls” and Salamis


Theseus Comes Home

The Confederacy of Delos

The Athenian Empire

Herodotus, The Father of History

The Parthenon


Why Did Athens Fight Sparta

The Peloponnesian War Begins

Athenian Death

Hippocrates and Disease

Pericles Dies

Cleon the Tanner





Hecuba, Queen of Troy

Decelea, a Thorn in the Flesh

Oligarchy and Athens in Defeat

Socrates’ Death


Damocles’ Sword – The Fourth Century


Alexander of Macedon

Hellenistic Age – Alexandria and Byzantium

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