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The Power of the Church 529 – 1409
IN THE YEAR 1134, in the town of Chartres in France, the church burned down. The church was a cathedral
The Conquest of England 1066-1265
IN THE DIM LIGHT of early morning, the Frenchmen were preparing for battle. Squires helped the knights put on their
Feudal France 814-1314
AFTER THE BREAKUP OF CHARLEMAGNE’S Empire, France, the western half of the empire, was ruled by a series of weak
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
“We Shall Overcome” 1954-1965
On May 17, 1954, all was quiet and solemn, as it usually is, in the chambers of the United States
The Great Society 1964 – 1965
In the United States election campaign of 1964, President Johnson was the candidate of the Democratic party. His Republican opponent
Man Faces the Future 1957-1965
On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union announced to an astonished world that its scientists had launched into orbit an
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Toledo falls, marking the end of Islam in Spain (1077 – 1100)
Toledo falls and this marks the beginning of the end of Islam in Spain. A triumph for orthodoxy The events