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Becoming a Nation 660 B. C.-A. D. 587
DRAWING ON nature for inspiration, the Japanese invented a number of gods and goddesses. They took it for granted that
Japan, the “Source of the Sun” 3000 B.C.-A.D. 400
THE Japanese islands — four large ones and many smaller ones — rise out of the Pacific Ocean to the
The Ming Dynasty Restores the Old Order A.D. 1368-1644
THE MEN who took over from the Mongols came to be known as Hung-wu, or “Vast Military Power.” Hung-wu named
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Cracks in the Wall of Islam A.D. 656-750
THE FIRST three caliphs — Abu Bakr, Omar and Othman — had all known — Mohammed well. In 656, Othman,
The Abbasids: Glory and Decay 750 -1258 A. D.
UNDER THE Omayyads, who ruled from 661 to 750, Islam had grown into a mighty empire. Arabic had become its
Rival Caliphs and Amirs in the West A.D. 750-1492
IN 750, when the first Abbasid caliph ordered a wholesale massacre of the family that had ruled before him, hardly
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Toledo falls, marking the end of Islam in Spain (1077 – 1100)
Toledo falls and this marks the beginning of the end of Islam in Spain. A triumph for orthodoxy The events