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The Height of Mogul Power A.D. 1605-1707

WHEN Akbar died, the hope of a peaceful, prosperous India died with him. None of his successors was nearly so

The Moguls Take Over A.D. 1504-1605

THE name “Mogul” comes from the Arabic word for “Mongol.” Babur, the founder of the Mogul dynasty, was probably descended

The Coming of Islam A.D. 711 – 1526

IN 711‚ when other Moslem forces were invading distant Spain, Arab soldiers fought their way to the mouth of the

Early Civilizations to Modern Age

Fury from the North 814-1042

“. . FROM THE FURY OF THE NORTHMEN, Good Lord, deliver us.” Until recent times, this line was included in

The Castle, the Manor and the Knight 900-1300

COUNT LEON, lord of the vast domain of Grandpré, stirred and waved away his servants. As he opened his eyes,

Feudal Germany 936 -1250

THE WINTER of 1077 was one of the coldest on record in Italy. Ice and snow choked the mountain passages

Distant Past and New Challenges

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Milestones of History

Sung Dynasty, Golden Age of Artistic Achievement (955-982 A. D.)

The birth of Hungary The battle of the Lechfeld, which was so important to Western Europe, had an equally profound

Norsemen and Vikings (982 A. D.)

Norsemen or Vikings – Danes, Norwegians and Swedes — were terrorizing the greater part of Europe, over a thousand years

Hugh Capet (982 – 1066 A. D.)

Hugh Capet was coronated in 987 and with that, began the French dominance of Europe. During the eleventh century, a


Who were the Hellenes?

Theseus and the Minotaur

The Palace of Minos

Helen of Troy

The Wooden Horse

Was there a Trojan War?

The Migration

City-States and Colonies

The Delphic Oracle

The Olympic Games


A Spartan grows Up



A Tyrant Who Was Not Tyrannical

Athenian Democracy

The Ionian Greeks


The Rivals

The Second Persian Invasion


“Wooden Walls” and Salamis


Theseus Comes Home

The Confederacy of Delos

The Athenian Empire

Herodotus, The Father of History

The Parthenon


Why Did Athens Fight Sparta

The Peloponnesian War Begins

Athenian Death

Hippocrates and Disease

Pericles Dies

Cleon the Tanner





Hecuba, Queen of Troy

Decelea, a Thorn in the Flesh

Oligarchy and Athens in Defeat

Socrates’ Death


Damocles’ Sword – The Fourth Century


Alexander of Macedon

Hellenistic Age – Alexandria and Byzantium

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