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The United Nations and the End of Colonialism 1946 -1965
Even before the Korean War, the United Nations had proved that it could take effective action to control serious conflicts.
War in Korea 1945-1953
Although the cold war was the most important fact in the politics of the post-war world, few persons could have
China and Revolution 1912 – 1962
Like Gandhi and Nehru in India, one of China’s greatest leaders, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, learned from the West as well
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Two and a Half Centuries of Unrest in Japan A.D. 1336-1573
Go-Daigo had found refuge in a place in the mountains called Yoshino. Japan now had two emperors, one in Kyoto
The End and the Beginning 378- 752
THE FIRST SIGN of the approaching Roman army was a thin column of dust. It rose like smoke from behind
Charles, Called the Great 771 – 814
IT WAS COLD INSIDE the great cathedral of St. Peter in Rome on Christmas day, in the year 800. The
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Victorious Athens (480 B.C.)
A victorious Athens was thanks to Themistocles, whose farsighted proposal that the Athenians should fight the Persians at sea rather
Classical Greece – A Golden Age and New Dynasty Dawn (480 – 323 BC)
Classical Greece was a period during which the finest products of Greek civilization were achieved, has been defined as beginning
Alexander the Great Dies (323 B.C.)
Alexander the Great succeeded to the throne upon the assassination of Philip of Macedonia, in northern Greece. This succession, both