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Workingmen of All Countries, Unite! 1848 – 1900
The ideas that attracted these Russians came mostly from a man named Karl Marx. Marx was born in Germany in
Blood on the Snow 1855 – 1905
IT WAS a Sunday in January of 1905 and snow lay on the ground and rooftops of St. Petersburg, the
After the Peace of Paris 1919 – 1920
DURING THE war, three great empires — the Russian, the Austro-Hungarian and the German –had vanished forever. Then, by the
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Christian Knights and Mongol Horsemen A. D. 099-1404
THROUGHOUT THE eleventh century, the divided Arab Empire became weaker in all its parts. Meanwhile, the Christian lands to the
The City of Dido 264 B. C. – 129 B. C.
In 264 B. C., the people of Rome met in a noisy session of their assembly. The question before them
Seljuks and Mamelukes A.D. 950-1517
LIKE THEIR relatives the Mongols, the Turks began as wandering herdsmen in Central Asia. Their first contact with Islam was
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Charlemagne’s Empire Destroyed by Eastern Hordes (800-886 A. D.)
Charlemagne’s empire destroyed and dissolved in the ninth century, but the idea of “Europe” survived. By the late tenth century,
Alfred “The Great” builds England for the English (886 A. D.)
Alfred “The Great”, alone amongst the English kings, has been awarded this title. Earlier invaders of the British Isles had
Baghdad Founded (886 – 950 A. D.)
Baghdad founded and became the centre of Islamic learning and culture. England in the tenth century As a soldier, Alfred,