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After the Peace of Paris 1919 – 1920
DURING THE war, three great empires — the Russian, the Austro-Hungarian and the German –had vanished forever. Then, by the
The Victors Reconstruct Europe 1918 – 1919
IN THE closing weeks of the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire came apart. Its subject peoples proclaimed their independence, through “national
The United States and Victory 1915-1918
FEW AMERICANS noticed the advertisement that appeared in the New York newspapers on May 1, 1915. Signed by the Imperial
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The City Divided 130 B. C. – 70 B. C.
MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO, a young statesman known for his dramatic speeches, stood before a panel of judges in a courtroom
The City of Caesar 80 B. C. – 44 B. C.
THE story of Rome in the years after Sulla’s death was the story of a partnership of power. It was
The Second Triumvirate 43 B. C. – 30 B. C.
AS THE news of Caesar’s death spread through Rome, sorrow, anger and fear took hold of the city. On March
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Toledo falls, marking the end of Islam in Spain (1077 – 1100)
Toledo falls and this marks the beginning of the end of Islam in Spain. A triumph for orthodoxy The events