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The Storm Breaks 1914
JUNE 28, 1914, was the Feast of Saint Vitus, an important holiday in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. The city
The Coming of the Storm 1905 – 1913
ALREADY HEMMED in on two sides by France and Russia, the Germans were dismayed to see Great Britain join their
Storm Clouds over Europe 1882-1907
AS THE year 1899 drew to a close, Europeans and Americans began to wonder when, exactly, the nineteenth century would
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Fury from the North 814-1042
“. . FROM THE FURY OF THE NORTHMEN, Good Lord, deliver us.” Until recent times, this line was included in
The Castle, the Manor and the Knight 900-1300
COUNT LEON, lord of the vast domain of Grandpré, stirred and waved away his servants. As he opened his eyes,
Feudal Germany 936 -1250
THE WINTER of 1077 was one of the coldest on record in Italy. Ice and snow choked the mountain passages
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
William of Normandy, the Conqueror (1066 A. D.)
William of Normandy, the conqueror, was also descended from English kings and was convinced that King Edward had promised him
Pope Leo IX (1066 – 1077)
Galilee Chapel in Durham Cathedral. Durham was the greatest of the Norman ecclesiastical border fortress in the north of England.
Henry IV, Humiliation at Canossa (1077 A. D.)
Henry IV stood barefoot in the snow, for three days in January, 1077, outside Canossa castle, waiting to see Pope