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Another Napoleon 1848-1906
IN DECEMBER of 1848, the French elected Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte as president of the Second French Republic. What he stood for
The Revolution of 1848; 1830-1848
LOUIS PHILIPPE always spoke of himself humbly as the “citizen king.” Although he was dignified, friendly and tried to do
Democracy in France 1815-1830
AFTER THE fall of Napoleon, Louis XVIII came to the throne of France. Although his powers were limited, by following
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Two and a Half Centuries of Unrest in Japan A.D. 1336-1573
Go-Daigo had found refuge in a place in the mountains called Yoshino. Japan now had two emperors, one in Kyoto
The End and the Beginning 378- 752
THE FIRST SIGN of the approaching Roman army was a thin column of dust. It rose like smoke from behind
Charles, Called the Great 771 – 814
IT WAS COLD INSIDE the great cathedral of St. Peter in Rome on Christmas day, in the year 800. The
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Let My People Go! (Hebrews 1280 B.C.)
The Hebrews were a nomadic people, some of whom settled in Egypt. They had their own God — Yahweh or
Hittite Empire and Egypt Threatened by Northern Invaders (1280 – 1191 B.C.)
Although the Exodus of the “children of Israel” from Egypt is rightly to be regarded as one of the greatest
Ramses III Defeats the Sea People (1191 B.C.)
For several years the Sea Peoples from the north had been drawing closer and closer to Egypt. Syria and Libya