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Chinese – New Empire after Alexander (B. C. 323 – 221)
The Chinese grew a new empire in the east, after the death of Alexander the Great. The empire of Cyrus
Alexander the Great Dies (323 B.C.)
Alexander the Great succeeded to the throne upon the assassination of Philip of Macedonia, in northern Greece. This succession, both
Classical Greece – A Golden Age and New Dynasty Dawn (480 – 323 BC)
Classical Greece was a period during which the finest products of Greek civilization were achieved, has been defined as beginning
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
War in Korea 1945-1953
Although the cold war was the most important fact in the politics of the post-war world, few persons could have
The United Nations and the End of Colonialism 1946 -1965
Even before the Korean War, the United Nations had proved that it could take effective action to control serious conflicts.
Death of a Dictator 1946 – 1953
AS THE SKY darkened over Moscow on the evening of March 5, 1953, thousands of people waited in line before
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Toledo falls, marking the end of Islam in Spain (1077 – 1100)
Toledo falls and this marks the beginning of the end of Islam in Spain. A triumph for orthodoxy The events