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The Growth of Civilization in Early China
In the same way that important ancient civilizations grew out of small beginnings in the valleys of the Nile, the
The Growth of Civilization in Early India
Two hundred years before Columbus discovered America, a certain Marco Polo told strange, exciting stories to his friends and neighbours
Christianity Spread in a Divided Empire
Christianity was the movement that spread Across the Roman Empire Pointing the way for the rest of the ancient world
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The Boston Tea Party 1773 -1774
Due to the taxes on tea, many of the colonists began drinking coffee or cocoa, or bought tea smuggled in
The Continental Congress 1774
When Samuel Adams, his cousin John Adams and the rest of the delegates from Massachusetts arrived in Philadelphia, they found
War Begins on Lexington Green 1775
On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere quietly made his way through the dark streets of Boston to
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Zealots and the Destruction of Zion(70 A.D.)
Zealots, for sixty years or more, had formed the “resistance’’ against the Romans in Judaea and their ideas were shared
In This Sign Shalt Thou Conquer (312 A.D.)
Constantine’s victory at the Milvian Bridge, ensures the spread of Christianity, throughout the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire, at the