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Stalin Succeeds Lenin 1924 – 1939
AFTER THE PEACE with Germany, Lenin had hoped for a breathing spell which would give him the chance to build
Peace-and Civil War 1917 -1924
SPEAKING BEFORE the Congress of Soviets on November 8, the second day of the November revolution, Lenin had said, “We
The November Revolution 1917
LENIN’S REAL name was Vladimir Ilyich Ulianov. Like most Russian revolutionaries, he had taken another name to protect himself from
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Arabia, Mother of Religions 3000 B. C. – 570 A. D
ARABIA, the big, boot-shaped peninsula off the northeast corner of Africa, is one of the hottest and driest regions on
Mohammed, Prophet of Allah A. D. 571 – 632
IN THE year 571, in Mecca, a boy was born in a humble household of the Quraysh. No one knows
The Holy Book of Allah A. D. 632-732
Mohammed sometimes dictated his thoughts to his secretary, Zayd, but when he spoke in public no one wrote down what
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Arminius, Liberator of Germany (9 A.D.)
By 9 B.C. it seemed that Augustus’ ambition to extend Roman territory to the Elbe had almost been achieved, but
Jesus of Nazareth, Saviour God of a New Religion (30 A.D.)
Jesus of Nazareth, his life and death, for Romans alive about A.D. 30 was of no significance whatsoever. In the
Revolt and Destruction of Judea (30 – 70 A. D.)
Judea was destroyed and it’s people were scattered due to revolt in the East. Herod the Great died in the