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The March Revolution 1917
IT BEGAN in the Russian capital, in the city which had been called St. Petersburg and was now called Petrograd.
Rasputin and War 1914-1917
THE TSARINA Alexandra was a religious woman. That was why she was immediately interested in Rasputin, when he was introduced
The 1905 Revolution
SOME DAY there would be no tsars, but there was little sign of that during the last years of the
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Christian Knights and Mongol Horsemen A. D. 099-1404
THROUGHOUT THE eleventh century, the divided Arab Empire became weaker in all its parts. Meanwhile, the Christian lands to the
The City of Dido 264 B. C. – 129 B. C.
In 264 B. C., the people of Rome met in a noisy session of their assembly. The question before them
Seljuks and Mamelukes A.D. 950-1517
LIKE THEIR relatives the Mongols, the Turks began as wandering herdsmen in Central Asia. Their first contact with Islam was
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Caliph of Cordova’s Library (950 A. D.)
Caliph of Cordova’s library, raised Cordova to its great eminence. It was Europe’s most glittering capital: a place where Moslems,
Cluny (950 – 955 A. D.)
Cluny, the Greatest Benedictine Abbey in Europe, was founded in 910. After the reign of the great Abd al-Rahman III,
Lechfeld (955 A. D.)
Lechfeld, the battleground outside Augsburg on St. Lawrence’s day, 10 August 955 A. D., was highly significant for the whole