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After the Peace of Paris 1919 – 1920
DURING THE war, three great empires — the Russian, the Austro-Hungarian and the German –had vanished forever. Then, by the
The Victors Reconstruct Europe 1918 – 1919
IN THE closing weeks of the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire came apart. Its subject peoples proclaimed their independence, through “national
The United States and Victory 1915-1918
FEW AMERICANS noticed the advertisement that appeared in the New York newspapers on May 1, 1915. Signed by the Imperial
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
The Coming of the Europeans A.D. 1498-1707
MORE than two centuries before Aurungzeb’s death and even before the coming of Babur, a new kind of invader had
China under the Han 206 B. C. – A. D. 221
THE vast East Asian land of China is named after its first family of emperors, the Ch’in. The Ch’in brought
The Six Dynasties: Turmoil and Change A.D. 220-589
THE three states into which China had split were soon split up themselves into even smaller divisions. For three and
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Arminius, Liberator of Germany (9 A.D.)
By 9 B.C. it seemed that Augustus’ ambition to extend Roman territory to the Elbe had almost been achieved, but
Jesus of Nazareth, Saviour God of a New Religion (30 A.D.)
Jesus of Nazareth, his life and death, for Romans alive about A.D. 30 was of no significance whatsoever. In the
Revolt and Destruction of Judea (30 – 70 A. D.)
Judea was destroyed and it’s people were scattered due to revolt in the East. Herod the Great died in the