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The Storm Breaks 1914
JUNE 28, 1914, was the Feast of Saint Vitus, an important holiday in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. The city
The Coming of the Storm 1905 – 1913
ALREADY HEMMED in on two sides by France and Russia, the Germans were dismayed to see Great Britain join their
Storm Clouds over Europe 1882-1907
AS THE year 1899 drew to a close, Europeans and Americans began to wonder when, exactly, the nineteenth century would
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Christian Knights and Mongol Horsemen A. D. 099-1404
THROUGHOUT THE eleventh century, the divided Arab Empire became weaker in all its parts. Meanwhile, the Christian lands to the
The City of Dido 264 B. C. – 129 B. C.
In 264 B. C., the people of Rome met in a noisy session of their assembly. The question before them
Seljuks and Mamelukes A.D. 950-1517
LIKE THEIR relatives the Mongols, the Turks began as wandering herdsmen in Central Asia. Their first contact with Islam was
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Zealots and the Destruction of Zion(70 A.D.)
Zealots, for sixty years or more, had formed the “resistance’’ against the Romans in Judaea and their ideas were shared
In This Sign Shalt Thou Conquer (312 A.D.)
Constantine’s victory at the Milvian Bridge, ensures the spread of Christianity, throughout the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire, at the