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The Storm Breaks 1914
JUNE 28, 1914, was the Feast of Saint Vitus, an important holiday in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. The city
The Coming of the Storm 1905 – 1913
ALREADY HEMMED in on two sides by France and Russia, the Germans were dismayed to see Great Britain join their
Storm Clouds over Europe 1882-1907
AS THE year 1899 drew to a close, Europeans and Americans began to wonder when, exactly, the nineteenth century would
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Borrowing From China A. D. 587 – 838
PRINCE SHOTOKU was pleased to see his fellow aristocrats take to his chosen faith so enthusiastically. He wanted them to
Japan’s Change and Slow Growth A.D. 838-1150
BETWEEN THE ninth and twelfth centuries, Japan developed at a slower pace. It was as if the people knew that
The Warrior’s Take Over A. D. 1150 – 1336
BY THE middle of the twelfth century, Kyoto was no longer the real center of power in Japan. The old
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Victorious Athens (480 B.C.)
A victorious Athens was thanks to Themistocles, whose farsighted proposal that the Athenians should fight the Persians at sea rather
Classical Greece – A Golden Age and New Dynasty Dawn (480 – 323 BC)
Classical Greece was a period during which the finest products of Greek civilization were achieved, has been defined as beginning
Alexander the Great Dies (323 B.C.)
Alexander the Great succeeded to the throne upon the assassination of Philip of Macedonia, in northern Greece. This succession, both