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The United Nations and the End of Colonialism 1946 -1965
Even before the Korean War, the United Nations had proved that it could take effective action to control serious conflicts.
War in Korea 1945-1953
Although the cold war was the most important fact in the politics of the post-war world, few persons could have
China and Revolution 1912 – 1962
Like Gandhi and Nehru in India, one of China’s greatest leaders, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, learned from the West as well
Early Civilizations to Modern Age
Christian Knights and Mongol Horsemen A. D. 099-1404
THROUGHOUT THE eleventh century, the divided Arab Empire became weaker in all its parts. Meanwhile, the Christian lands to the
The City of Dido 264 B. C. – 129 B. C.
In 264 B. C., the people of Rome met in a noisy session of their assembly. The question before them
Seljuks and Mamelukes A.D. 950-1517
LIKE THEIR relatives the Mongols, the Turks began as wandering herdsmen in Central Asia. Their first contact with Islam was
Distant Past and New Challenges
Milestones of History
Arminius, Liberator of Germany (9 A.D.)
By 9 B.C. it seemed that Augustus’ ambition to extend Roman territory to the Elbe had almost been achieved, but
Jesus of Nazareth, Saviour God of a New Religion (30 A.D.)
Jesus of Nazareth, his life and death, for Romans alive about A.D. 30 was of no significance whatsoever. In the
Revolt and Destruction of Judea (30 – 70 A. D.)
Judea was destroyed and it’s people were scattered due to revolt in the East. Herod the Great died in the